Get Involved

Our volunteers are the heart and soul of our mission! Habitat for Humanity affiliates operate in 19 counties throughout Kansas and invite dedicated individuals and organizations to unite with us in our battle against inadequate housing. You'll discover numerous ways to make a difference, from assisting in the construction or repair of homes alongside families to contributing your expertise on committees, supporting office operations, and exploring volunteer roles at your neighborhood Habitat ReStore. All are encouraged to join us, and you don't need to be a construction expert to participate.

Volunteer Locally

Be part of the change you want to see in your community. Contact your local Habitat office or ReStore to learn about volunteer opportunities near you.

Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity Kansas

As an Affiliate Support Organization, Habitat Kansas doesn’t offer the typical volunteer opportunities as you would find with a local Habitat affiliate. We would love to have you support us through advocacy, sharing your experience and skills for training and capacity-building, serving on committees, or working with us on special projects and events. To inquire about these opportunities, please contact Habitat Kansas (HFHKS) at 316-302-4848 or send us an email through the button below.